Platelet Rich Plasma
This regenerative injectable or topical treatment uses your own platelet-rich plasma (the component of the blood that contains growth factors) to stimulate collagen and elastin production.
PRP plays a critical role in tissue repair and regeneration helping revitalize the skin.
We use the Clarion World PRP System. A gel free collection system.

Preparing For Your PRP Procedure
You may take Arnica 3-5 pellets, 3 times a day starting 2 days before, the day of treatment and 2 days post treatment. This will help to decrease the risk of bruising.
Make sure that you hydrate well the day before and the day after treatment.
No Accutane use in the past 6 months.
Avoid the following for at least 1 week prior to your procedure:
a. ibuprofen, motrin, aleve, naprosyn, naproxen, aspirin
b. alcohol
c. cigarettes
d. systemic steroids (anti inflammatory), prednisone, dexamethasone
e. nutritional supplements - gingko biloba, garlic, vitamin E, flax oil, curcumin and any other anti inflammatory supplements
Please notify SKINSeine if you are taking any blood thinners such as coumadin, plavix, heparin, rivaroxaban, apixaban or others.
Avoid retinol (Vitamin A) and glycolic acids at least 2 days before.
Additional Info for Hair Restoration:
Shower the morning of your treatment and wash your hair thoroughly using your regular shampoo. Do not apply hair gels, hair sprays or any other styling products.
Hair coloring is fine up to 3 days before treatment.
Post Care After Your PRP Procedure
Please follow these instructions after your PRP treatment. There are few restrictions after your PRP treatment, allowing you to soon return to your daily activities.
What can you expect after treatment:
1. Mild inflammation, redness and swelling, itching and/or soreness for a few days (2-5 days), these are common to any injection procedure.
2. Continue to take Arnica, 3-5 pellets, three times a day until bruising clears.
3. If there are tiny bumps, rest easy, this will go away in a few hours after treatment.
4. It is normal to feel firmness in the injection site for a few days post treatment. This will soften over time.
To maximize your results; for a minimum of 5 hours post your PRP treatment do NOT wash your scalp.
AVOID touching, pressing, rubbing or any form of manipulation to the treated area for at least 8 hours after treatment.
AVOID advil, aleve, aspirin, ibuprofen, motrin, naproxen, naprosyn until 2 weeks post treatment.
AVOID nutritional supplements - gingko biloba, garlic, Vitamin E, flax oil, curcumin, and any other anti inflammatory supplements till 2 weeks post treatment.
AVOID alcohol, caffeine and smoking for 3 days post treatment.
AVOID high heat (sauna, steam room, very hot showers) for 24 hours post treatment.
AVOID the sun and use a physical SPF daily.
AVOID facials, facial massage or laser treatments for 2 weeks post treatment. Most facial treatments can be done immediately prior to the PRP treatments but for 2 weeks post treatment.